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Other Applications2022-12-28T13:57:40+08:00

The DTI-Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau also issues licenses, authorities, registrations, and waivers to General Bonded Warehouses, Ship and Merchandise Brokers, and other enterprises as mandated by the government.


Licensing of General Bonded Warehouse

The issuance of General Bonded Warehouse License is to regulate the business of receiving commodities for storage and defining the rights and obligations of a bonded warehouseman and protects the rights of the owner of the commodity.

Application Form

GBW Application Form2022-09-01T11:13:14+08:00

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original Application Form duly signed by authorized signatory;
  2. Photocopy of Business Name Registration Certificate (Single Proprietorship) or SEC Registration Certificate and Articles of Incorporation/Partnership (Corporation/Partnership);
  3. Original List and location map of branches (warehouse) with plan (layout), size and dimensions;
  4. Original List of agent/employees authorized to sign Warehouse receipts with specimen signature;
  5. Original specimen of warehouse receipts;
  6. Original List of weighing equipment including calibration certificates;
  7. Original Proposed schedule of charges;
  8. Copy of latest audited financial statements;
  9. Copy of Fire insurance covering commodities received or stored;
  10. Copy of Surety or Cash Bond, at least 33⅓% of maximum value of commodity to be received/received;
  11. Original Storage and Withdrawal Report (Renewal)


What are the covered entities?2022-05-25T06:42:08+08:00

All businesses engaged in receiving commodity for storage as defined in Sec. 1 and 2 of Act 3893, as amended.

Where to apply for a license?2022-07-20T07:13:21+08:00
  • Applications of GBW located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB). 
  • Applications of GBW located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

How long is the validity of the license?2022-05-25T06:43:30+08:00

The certificate is valid for one (1) year, until December 31 of the current year.

When to apply for renewal of license2022-05-25T06:47:43+08:00

Renewal application should be filed not later than January 30 of the following year.

What are the fees and charges?2022-05-30T13:59:41+08:00
A. License/Permit fee: 100.00 – first, 1,000 cbm + 0.50/succeeding cbm
B. Surcharge (Late Renewal):
Filing Date Surcharge
Up to 30 days or less from end of grace period 10% of filing fee
31 days up to 60 days from end of grace period 20%
61 days up to 90 days from end of grace period 30%
91 days up to 150 days from end of grace period 40%
151 days up to 180 days from end of grace period 50%
Exceeding 180 days from end of grace period 100%
C. Document Stamp Tax: 30.00

Laws and Statutes

Commerce Act Order No. 11-1-C (1948)2022-09-01T11:01:13+08:00

Amending the Provisions of Commerce Administrative Order No. 11-1 C As Amended, to Conform with the Provisions of Act No. 3893 as Amended by Republic Act No. 247

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Republic Act No. 247 (1931)2022-09-01T11:01:05+08:00

An Act the Amend Numbered Thirty-Eight and Ninety-Three Entitled “Bonded Warehouse Act,” Extending the Scope and Purview Thereof, Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof, and Appropriating Funds Needed Thereof, and For Other Purposes

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Act No. 3893 (1931)2022-09-01T11:00:58+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Business of Receiving Rice for Storage, Giving the Director of Commerce and Industry the Duty to Enforce If, Providing Penalties for Violation of the Provisions, Exempting Cooperative Marketing Associations of Rice Producers from Application Thereof, Repealing Act Numbered Thirty-Four Hundred and Sixty-Nine and for Other Purposes.

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Certificate of Authority for Ship and Merchandise Broker

Under Commerce Administrative Order No. 03 Series of 1933 implementing Act No. 2728 as amended by Acts No. 3715 and 3969, brokers and sub-agents must secure a certificate of authority to engage in the business as stock or bond broker, merchandise broker, money or exchange broker, ship broker as the term is defined by said Acts.

The issuance of Certificate of Authority to Ship and Merchandise Brokers aims to protect the public from dishonest or incompetent salesmen, brokers, appraisers and consultants.

Application Form

MBSB Application Form2022-09-01T11:13:26+08:00

Licensed Ship and Merchandise Brokers and Sub-Agents

Updated List of Licensed Ship and Merchandise Brokers

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original duly accomplished application form
  2. Original copy of previous DTI Ship Broker/Merchandise Broker Certificate
  3. Copy of Clearance (Police, NBI, or Justice of Peace)
  4. Copy of Business Name Registration Certificate (Single Proprietorship) or SEC Registration Certificate and Articles of Incorporation/Partnership (Corporation and Partnership)
  5. Copy of Board Resolution appointing the applicant to act in behalf of the corporation (only for new or if with changes in the appointment)
  6. Original Surety or Cash Bond (P2,000)


Where to apply for a certificate of authority?2022-07-20T07:14:19+08:00
  • Applications of Ship and Merchandise Brokers located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB). 
  • Applications of Ship and Merchandise Brokers located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

How to apply for a certificate of authority?2022-05-25T06:54:23+08:00

Submit complete scanned copy of the requirements via email to  FTEB process applications via email. 

How long is the validity of the certificate of authority?2022-08-30T23:22:29+08:00

Certificate of authority is valid for four (4) quarters, renewable within the month after the quarter it expired.

What are the fees and charges?2022-05-30T14:03:10+08:00
A. License/Permit fee: 350.00
B. Surcharge Late Renewal (renewal-with  30-day grace period after expiration of license)
Filing Date Surcharge
Up to 30 days or less from end of grace period 10% of filing fee
31 days up to 60 days from end of grace period 20%
61 days up to 90 days from end of grace period 30%
91 days up to 150 days from end of grace period 40%
151 days up to 180 days from end of grace period 50%
Exceeding 180 days from end of grace period 100%
C. Document Stamp Tax: 30.00

Laws and Statutes

Commerce Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 19332022-09-01T11:03:13+08:00

Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensing and Bonding Stock or Bond, Merchandise, Money or Exchange, Ship and Real Estate Brokers

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Act No. 2728 (1930)2022-09-01T11:03:19+08:00

The Law Regulating the Brokerage Business

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Certificate of Registration of Bulk Sales

Under Act No. 3952 Series of 1932 as amended by R.A. No. 111 (1947), all creditors of the vendor/mortgagor/assignor of any stock of goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or materials in bulk shall execute a sworn statement containing the names and addresses of its creditors and submit and register the same in the DTI.

The issuance of Certificate of Registration for Bulk Sales aims to prevent the defrauding of creditors by secret sale or disposal in bulk of all or substantially all of the merchant’s stock or goods.

Application Form

Revised BS Checklist Evaluation Sheet2022-09-01T11:13:43+08:00

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original Letter informing DTI of the sale attached with the following documents:
    1. Original Affidavit Single Proprietorship/Board/Partners Resolution (Corporation Partnership) of Vendor Stating that at the Time of Sale, the Company has or no Creditor/s 
    2. Original List of Creditors (name, address, total amount due) 
    3. Copy of the Notice to the Creditors regarding the Sale, Transfer or Assignment, if there are Creditor/s;
    4. Original Receiving Copy by all the Creditor/s of the Notice; the notice should be received by the Creditors at least ten (10) days before the date of sale;
    5. Original Inventory of Properties Sold;
    6. Copy of the Deed of Sale, Mortgage or Assignment (original copy to be presented);
    7. Original Board/Partner’s Resolution re: Authorized Company Officers/Signatories in the Deed of Sale (Corporation/Partnership);
  2. Copy of Valid Government-Issued IDs of the Authorized Signatories (original copy must be presented);
  3. Copy of the Latest BN Registration Certificate -both buyer and seller (Single Proprietor); or Copy of SEC Registration Certificate and Articles of Incorporation/Partnership -both buyer and seller (Corporation/Partnership).


How to apply for a certificate of registration?2022-05-25T07:01:32+08:00

Submit complete scanned copy of the requirements via email to  FTEB processes applications via email. 

Where to apply for a certificate of registration?2022-07-20T07:15:25+08:00
  • Applications for Registration of Vendors/Vendees located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB). 
  • Applications for Registration of Vendors/Vendees located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

When is the creditor deemed notified of the sale?2022-05-25T07:03:33+08:00

Upon proof that the notice regarding the sale sent by the seller was received by the creditor at least ten (10) days prior to the execution of the sale.

What are the fees and charges?2022-05-25T07:03:53+08:00

Registration fee is P50 + DST of Php 30 + Php 5.00/creditor

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 111 (1947)2022-09-01T11:02:45+08:00

An Act Amending Section Nine of Act Numbered Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Two, Entitled “An Act Regulate the Sale, Transfer, Mortgage, or Assignment of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Provisions or Materials in Bulk, and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions Thereof

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Act No. 3952, Series of 19322022-09-01T11:02:38+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Sale, Transfer, Mortgage, or Assignment of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Provisions or Materials in Bulk and Prescribing Penalties for the Violations Thereof

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Issuance of Waiver under Presidential Decree 1466 (Flag Carriers)

Under the Rules and Regulations implementing PD 1466 (Flag Carriers), the requirements on the use of Philippine flag vessels as prescribed by law may be waived in whole or in part and for a specified period not exceeding one (1) year.

The issuance of Waiver Under PD 1466 aims to facilitate the transport of goods, provided the same is anchored on the grounds enumerated therein.

Application Form

Application for Waiver under P.D. 14662022-09-01T11:14:10+08:00

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original Prescribed Application Form
  2. Copy of any of the following supporting documents:
    • Proforma/Commercial Invoice;
    • Letter of Credit;
    • Purchase Order;
    • Sales Contract and Charter Agreement and/or Bill of Lading


Who should apply for waiver under PD No. 1466?2022-05-25T07:08:41+08:00

All branches of the government including government-owned and controlled corporations and those in the private sector which are beneficiaries of the loans, credits and/or guarantee from government financial institutions, exporting and importing cargoes whenever Philippine Flag Vessels are neither available nor suitable for such shipment.

When to file application for waiver?2022-05-25T07:08:56+08:00

The application shall be filed at least five (5) regular working days before the estimated date of loading of the shipment aboard the foreign flag vessel in liner service proposed to be utilized; or at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the required fixing of the foreign flag vessel to be chartered.

How to file application for a waiver?2022-05-25T07:09:26+08:00

Submit prescribed duly accomplished application form and supporting documents via email,  FTEB processes applications via email.

Where to file application for waiver?2022-05-25T07:09:56+08:00

For shipments via sea, with the DTI-FTEB and for shipments via air, with the Civil Aeronautics Board of the DOTr. Application may also be filed with the relevant Philippine consular offices abroad.

What are the fees and charges?2022-05-25T07:10:26+08:00
  • If filed abroad regardless of the weight or volume – Thirty US Dollars (USD30.00) or its equivalent.
  • If filed in the Philippines –  fees shall depend on the weight or volume of shipment as shown below:

Application Fee

Tonnage per Application Fee per Application
Chartered Vessel 1,000.00
Above 100 RT 800.00
Over 80 to 100 RT 700.00
Over 60 to 80 RT 600.00
Over 40 to 60 RT 500.00
Over 20 to 40 RT 400.00
20 RT and below 300.00

Amendments – 50% of Application Fee

Document Stamp Tax Fee – 30.00

What is the penalty for violation of PD No. 1466?2022-05-25T07:07:41+08:00
  • Violation of PD No. 1466 carries a minimum fine of Php10,000 for shipments in the liner service and Php50,000 for shipments on chartered vessels.


Number of Violations Liner Service Chartered  Vessel
First Violation 10,000.00 50,000.00
Second Violation 30,000.00 100,000.00
Third Violation 50,000.00 200,000.00
Fourth Violation 70,000.00 300,000.00
Fifth & Succeeding Violations 100,000.00 500,000.00

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Presidential Decree 14662022-09-01T10:56:20+08:00

A Decree Amending Presidential Decree No. 894, As Amended

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Implementing Rules and Regulations on Presidential Decree No. 1466 series of 19922022-09-01T10:56:34+08:00

Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for Presidential Decree No. 1466

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Registration of Installation Facilities of Speed Limiter

Under Department Administrative Order 19-15 Series of 2019 implementing R.A. No. 10916, Installation Facilities of Speed Limiter shall register with the DTI.

The registration of IFSLDs aims to promote, develop, and professionalize the speed limiter device business with the end view that consumers are assured of reliable, ethical, and competent services conformable with applicable standards.

Application Form

SL Application Form2022-09-01T11:13:58+08:00

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Duly notarized application form signed by the authorized signatory.
    1. For single proprietorship (SP), the application form shall be signed by the Installation Facility (IF) owner. If the application is signed by a person other than the applicant, the representative shall present and submit an authorization from the owner (is not the owner of the IF, he/she must execute and submit an undertaking indicating the name of the authorized representative and the) granting him/her the authority (to said representative) to sign the application form and all the documentary requirements and to act on behalf of the proprietor on matters relating to the application for registration.
    2. For corporations, partnerships, or cooperatives, the application form shall be signed by its authorized representative. The said representative must be authorized by a Board or Partners Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate, as the case may be, to apply for registration. The authorized representative must be an Officer and the grant of its authority to sign the application form and all the documentary requirements and to act on behalf of the corporation, partnership, or cooperative on matters relating to the application for registration must be explicitly indicated.
  1. Certified true copy of any of the following and compliance with Paid Up Capital Requirement: 
    1. Valid DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration for single proprietorship;
    2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Certificate of Registration and Articles of incorporation/Partnership, for corporation/partnership; or
    3. Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Certificate of Registration and Articles of Cooperation, for cooperatives.
      • For purposes of verification of the submissions, the originals of the foregoing must also be presented.
      • Primary Purpose of Articles of Incorporation/cooperation should include to operate a speed limiter IF;
      • Paid-up capital of at least Five Million Pesos for Corporations, Partnerships, and Cooperatives as shown in registration documents from SEC/CDA.  Every branch office shall have proof of tangible assets worth at least Three Million Pesos.  Proof of tangible assets of at least Five Million Pesos for main office and Three Million Pesos for branch office of SPs.
  1. Valid Business Permit where the facility is located; the nature of business shall be installation of speed limiter;
  2. BIR Registration Certificate and TIN. The nature of business shall be installation of speed limiter;
  3. Location map, photo, and lay-out of the facility;
  4. List of all personnel indicating their positions and their job descriptions/responsibilities together with their:
    1. Bio-data (in prescribed form)
    2. Valid National Certificate/Certificate of Competency from TESDA as installer of speed limiter;
    3. Authorization from the IF for its specific personnel to install speed limiter, operate the necessary equipment.
  1. Proof of availability of all required tools and equipment used for the installation of speed limiter device (e.g. certified list signed by the authorized representative, proof of purchase, sales invoice);
  2. Copy of Complaints Handling Procedure and copy of complaint form;
  3. Copy of Operations Manual and other supporting documentation in relation to speed limiter installation:
  4. Manual and reference materials required for installation of Speed Limiter from the manufacturer or distributor;
  5. Manual of test procedures and authorized personnel;
  6. Liability Insurance or Proof of Bond valid for three (3) years from registration with official receipt in the amount of PhP10,000,000.00 in favor of the DTI to be submitted before the release of the Certificate of Registration;
  7. Service Warranty (at least one year) and Guarantee of Workmanship (at least 90 days);
  8. Copy of the Official Receipt as proof of payment of Application Fee
  9.  Updated submission of quarterly report on installation services made (additional for Renewals only).


Where to apply registration?2022-07-20T07:16:26+08:00
  • Applications of IFSL located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB). 
  • Applications of IFSL located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

How to apply for registration?2022-05-25T07:13:46+08:00

Submit complete scanned copy of the requirements via email to  FTEB processes applications via email. 

What are the fees and charges?2022-05-20T01:11:02+08:00

Schedule of Fees

Particular Amount(Php)
Filing Fee (New and Renewal) 300.00
Processing Fee 5,000.00
Documentary Stamp Tax 30.00
Certified True Copy of Certificate of Registration (COR) 200.00
Surcharge for late filing of Renewal Application
0 to 2 months after the expiration date 3,000.00
More than 2 months after the registration date 5,000.00
How long is the validity of a certificate of registration?2022-05-20T01:11:05+08:00

The Registration certificate is valid for 3 years.

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 109162022-09-01T11:01:28+08:00

An Act Requiring the Mandatory Installation of Speed Limiter in Public Utility and Certain Types of Vehicle

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order 19-15 Series of 20192022-09-01T10:52:48+08:00

Guidelines for Registration of Installation Facilities of Speed Limiter

Click To View

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