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Laws and Policies2022-08-28T10:23:30+08:00


This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Complaints Handling.


Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-01T11:01:46+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order No. 20-02, Series of 20202022-09-01T10:53:21+08:00

Revised Rules of Mediation and Adjudication of the Department of Trade and Industry

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Department Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 20072022-09-01T10:53:10+08:00

Rules on Mediation in the Resolution of Inquiries, Complaints and/or Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws Supplementing Department Administrative Order No. 07, series of 2006

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Adjudication Process for Consumer Complaints

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-01T10:58:20+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order No. 20-02, Series of 20202022-09-01T10:49:43+08:00

Revised Rules of Mediation and Adjudication of the Department of Trade and Industry

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Department Administrative Order No. 07, Series of 20062022-09-01T10:50:14+08:00

Instituting the Simplified and Uniform Rules of Procedure for Administrative Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws

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Adjudication Process for Formal Charges

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 02 Series of 20072022-09-01T10:59:17+08:00

Defining the Responsibilities and Liabilities of Manufacturers, Importers, Traders, Wholesalers, Distributors, Retailers, Service Providers and or their Agents, with regard to Products/Services covered by Philippine Standards (PS) Certification Mark Scheme and Prescribing Penalties for Violation thereof of the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS)

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Republic Act No. 7581 (1992)2022-09-01T10:58:54+08:00

Price Act

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Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-01T10:58:41+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Presidential Decree No. 1572 (1978)2022-09-01T10:59:09+08:00

Law on Accreditation

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Republic Act No. 4109 (1964)2022-09-01T10:59:02+08:00

Product Standards Law

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Act No. 3883 (1931)2022-09-01T10:58:32+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Use in Business Transactions of Names other than True Names, Prescribing the duties of the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry* in its Enforcement, Providing penalties for violations thereof, and for Other Purposes.

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 20072022-09-03T08:40:09+08:00

Revised Schedule of Administrative Fines for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and some Trade and Industry Laws

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Department Administrative Order No. 07, Series of 20062022-09-03T08:40:48+08:00

Instituting the Simplified and Uniform Rules of Procedure for Administrative Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Sales Promotion Permits.

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-03T08:41:27+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order No. 10-02, Series of 20102022-09-01T10:55:32+08:00

Addenda to Department Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 1993 (Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 7394 (Consumer Act of the Philippines particularly Chapter VI thereof on Sales Promotion)

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DTI-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 20002022-09-03T08:42:29+08:00

Prescribing a Schedule of Fees and Charges for Sales Promotion Activities

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Department Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 19932022-09-01T10:55:09+08:00

Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. No. 7394

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Certificate of Authority to Import (CAI).

Issuance of CAI for No Dollar Importation Program (NDI)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 877-A, Series of 20102022-09-01T11:01:54+08:00

The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Executive Order No. 156, Series of 20022022-09-01T11:02:01+08:00

Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 1562022-09-01T10:54:09+08:00

Guidelines to Implement Executive Order No. 156, Providing a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Issuance of CAI for Officials of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations (ODC)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 877-A, Series of 20102022-09-01T11:02:09+08:00

The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Executive Order No. 156, Series of 20022022-09-01T11:02:16+08:00

Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 1562022-09-01T10:54:22+08:00

Guidelines to Implement Executive Order No. 156, Providing a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Issuance of CAI for Completely Built-Up Units Program (CBU)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 877-A, Series of 20102022-09-01T10:59:51+08:00

The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Executive Order No. 156, Series of 20022022-09-01T10:59:43+08:00

Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 1562022-09-01T10:54:22+08:00

Guidelines to Implement Executive Order No. 156, Providing a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Issuance of CAI for Spare Parts (SP)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 877-A, Series of 20102022-09-01T11:03:28+08:00

The Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Executive Order No. 156, Series of 20022022-09-01T11:03:35+08:00

Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 1562022-09-01T10:55:55+08:00

Guidelines to Implement Executive Order No. 156, Providing a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program

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Issuance of CAI for Completely Knocked Down Parts and Components Program (CKD)

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 08, Series of 20032022-09-01T10:59:58+08:00

Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Centers

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Issuance of CAI for Donated Vehicles to Local Government Units (LGUs)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 443, Series of 20052022-09-01T11:01:37+08:00

Exempting Donated Used Motor Vehicles to Local Government Units from the Prohibition of Importation of Used Motor Vehicles Under Article 2, Section 3 of Executive Order No. 156 (s. 2002) entitled “Providing for a Comprehensive Industrial Policy and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program and its Implementing Guidelines” and from the Imposition of Specific Additional Duty Under Executive Order No. 418 (s. 2005) entitled “Modifying the Tariff Nomenclature and Rates of Import Duty on Used Motor Vehicles Under Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978 (Presidential Decree No. 1464, as Amended)”)

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 4432022-09-01T10:52:59+08:00

Guidelines for the No Dollar Importation (NDI) of Used Motor Vehicles by Local Government Units (LGUs) through donation, issued by the Inter-Agency Committee on Used Trucks and Engines (IAC-UTE)

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Issuance of CAI for Government Importation (GI)

Laws and Statutes

Letter of Instruction No. (LOI) 1307, Series of 19832022-09-01T11:01:21+08:00

Importations and Direct Payments

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Accreditation.

Service and Repair Enterprises (SREs)

Laws and Statutes

Presidential Decree No. 1572 (1978)2022-09-01T11:03:42+08:00

Law on Accreditation

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Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs)

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 20022022-09-01T11:02:24+08:00

Rules and Regulations concerning the issuance of DTI Accreditation of Motor Vehicle Private Emission Testing Centers

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Republic Act No. 8749 (1999)2022-09-03T08:43:58+08:00

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

DTI-DOTC Joint Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 20012022-09-01T10:54:35+08:00

Guidelines for Accreditation and Authorization of Motor Vehicle Emission Testing Centers

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Sea Freight Forwarders (SFFs)

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 514, Series of 19962022-09-01T11:03:05+08:00

Further Amending Executive Order No. 495, Series of 1991, as amended by, By Providing for the Regularization of the Philippine Shippers’ Council

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Philippine Shippers’ Bureau Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 20052022-09-01T10:55:43+08:00

Revised Rules on Freight Forwarding

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Truck Rebuilding Center

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 08, Series of 20032022-09-01T11:04:07+08:00

Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Centers

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Other Applications.

Licensing of General Bonded Warehouse

Laws and Statutes

Commerce Act Order No. 11-1-C (1948)2022-09-01T11:01:13+08:00

Amending the Provisions of Commerce Administrative Order No. 11-1 C As Amended, to Conform with the Provisions of Act No. 3893 as Amended by Republic Act No. 247

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Republic Act No. 247 (1931)2022-09-01T11:01:05+08:00

An Act the Amend Numbered Thirty-Eight and Ninety-Three Entitled “Bonded Warehouse Act,” Extending the Scope and Purview Thereof, Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof, and Appropriating Funds Needed Thereof, and For Other Purposes

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Act No. 3893 (1931)2022-09-01T11:00:58+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Business of Receiving Rice for Storage, Giving the Director of Commerce and Industry the Duty to Enforce If, Providing Penalties for Violation of the Provisions, Exempting Cooperative Marketing Associations of Rice Producers from Application Thereof, Repealing Act Numbered Thirty-Four Hundred and Sixty-Nine and for Other Purposes.

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Certificate of Authority for Ship and Merchandise Broker

Laws and Statutes

Commerce Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 19332022-09-01T11:03:13+08:00

Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensing and Bonding Stock or Bond, Merchandise, Money or Exchange, Ship and Real Estate Brokers

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Act No. 2728 (1930)2022-09-01T11:03:19+08:00

The Law Regulating the Brokerage Business

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Certificate of Registration of Bulk Sales

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 111 (1947)2022-09-01T11:02:45+08:00

An Act Amending Section Nine of Act Numbered Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Two, Entitled “An Act Regulate the Sale, Transfer, Mortgage, or Assignment of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Provisions or Materials in Bulk, and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions Thereof

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Act No. 3952, Series of 19322022-09-01T11:02:38+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Sale, Transfer, Mortgage, or Assignment of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Provisions or Materials in Bulk and Prescribing Penalties for the Violations Thereof

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Issuance of Waiver under Presidential Decree 1466 (Flag Carriers)

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Presidential Decree 14662022-09-01T10:56:20+08:00

A Decree Amending Presidential Decree No. 894, As Amended

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Implementing Rules and Regulations on Presidential Decree No. 1466 series of 19922022-09-01T10:56:34+08:00

Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for Presidential Decree No. 1466

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Registration of Installation Facilities of Speed Limiter

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 109162022-09-01T11:01:28+08:00

An Act Requiring the Mandatory Installation of Speed Limiter in Public Utility and Certain Types of Vehicle

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order 19-15 Series of 20192022-09-01T10:52:48+08:00

Guidelines for Registration of Installation Facilities of Speed Limiter

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Monitoring and Enforcement.

Post Market Surveillance of Technical Regulations

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-01T11:03:50+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Republic Act No. 4109 (1964)2022-09-01T11:03:58+08:00

Product Standards Law

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 20072022-09-01T10:56:07+08:00

Defining the Responsibilities and Liabilities of Manufacturers, Importers, Traders, Wholesalers, Distributors, Retailers, Service Providers and or their Agents, with regard to Products/Services covered by Philippine Standards (PS) Certification Mark Scheme and Prescribing Penalties for Violation thereof of the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS)

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Price and Supply Monitoring of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 10623 (2012)2022-09-01T10:59:26+08:00

Amendment of Certain Provisions in the Price Act

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Republic Act No. 7581 (1992)2022-09-01T10:59:34+08:00

Price Act

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Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-09-29T09:11:11+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Department Administrative Order 17-09, Series of 20172022-09-01T10:51:18+08:00

Guidelines in the Implementation of Suggested Retail Price (SRP) of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

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DTI, DA, DOH, DENR, DOE Joint Administrative Order No. 13-01, Series of 20132022-09-01T10:51:30+08:00

Amendments to the DTI, DA, DOH, DENR Joint Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1993 (JAO 1, s. 1993) Otherwise Known as the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7581 (Price Act)

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DTI, DA, DOH, DENR Joint Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 19932022-09-01T10:51:43+08:00

Rules and Regulations Implementing the Provisions of Chapter III Title V of the Republic Act No. 7394 otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Surveillance and Monitoring of Other Trade and Industry/Fair Trade Laws

Laws and Statutes

Republic Act No. 10962 (2017)2022-10-11T09:18:08+08:00

Gift Check Law of 2017

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Republic Act No. 10909 (2015)2022-10-11T09:18:37+08:00

No Shortchanging Act

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Republic Act No. 8749 (1999)2022-10-11T09:18:58+08:00

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

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Republic Act No. 7581 (1992)2022-10-11T09:19:17+08:00

Price Act

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Republic Act No. 7394 (1991)2022-10-11T09:19:35+08:00

Consumer Act of the Philippines

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Presidential Decree No. 1572 (1978)2022-09-01T11:00:30+08:00

Law on Accreditation

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Republic Act No. 4566 (1965)2022-09-01T11:00:46+08:00

Contractor’s License Law

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Act No. 3883 (1931)2022-09-01T11:18:38+08:00

An Act to Regulate the Use in Business Transactions of Names other than True Names, Prescribing the duties of the Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry* in its Enforcement, Providing penalties for violations thereof, and for Other Purposes.

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Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01, Series of 20222022-10-11T10:02:57+08:00

Guidelines for Online Businesses Reiterating the Laws and Regulations Applicable to Online Businesses and Consumers

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Department Administrative Order No. 21-03, Series of 20212022-10-11T09:59:45+08:00

Guidelines for Payment Options on the Purchase of Consumer Products and Services

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DTI, DOH, DA Joint Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 20082022-10-11T09:57:46+08:00

Rules and Regulations for Consumer Protection in a Transaction Covered by the Consumer Act of the Philippines through Electronic Means under the E-Commerce Act (R.A. 8792)

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Philippine Shippers’ Bureau Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 20052022-10-11T09:57:21+08:00

Revised Rules on Freight Forwarding

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Department Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 19932022-09-01T10:52:36+08:00

Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. No. 7394

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Enforcement Activities

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 07, Series of 20062022-09-01T11:00:06+08:00

Instituting the Simplified and Uniform Rules of Procedure for Administrative Cases Filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Other Trade and Industry Laws

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This page contains laws and implementing regulations related to Special Concerns.

Safety Seal Certification

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI-DOTR-DEPED-CHED-TESDA Joint Memorandum Circular No. 22-02, Series of 20222022-09-01T10:54:58+08:00

Supplemental Guidelines of the Safety Seal Certification Program

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DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 21-01, Series of 20212022-09-01T10:54:46+08:00

Implementing Guidelines of the Safety Implementing Guidelines of the Safety Seal Certification Program

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Minimum Public Health Standards Monitoring

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 21-02, Series of 20212022-09-01T10:53:57+08:00

Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the Operations of Indoor and Outdoor Dine-In Services Under the Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response

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Memorandum Circular No. 21-32, Series of 20212022-09-01T10:53:33+08:00

On-Site Operational Capacity of Business Establishments, Persons, and Activities in the National Capital Region Under the Pilot Implementation of Alert Levels System For COVID-19 Response

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Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A, Series of 20202022-09-01T10:53:46+08:00

DTI and DOLE Supplemental Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19

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