Quezon City, Philippines — A joint enforcement operation led by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-Quezon City, and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency intercepted the sale of counterfeit and non-compliant products worth PHP 496,073 from an electrical supplies shop in Quezon City on June 25.

The operation conducted through the DTI’s Task Force Kalasag yielded 127 units of counterfeit thermoplastic insulated electric wires and cables worth PHP 454,745. The seized products, fraudulently labeled with the brand name “HYPERTECH,” were found to be fake by the Quality Assurance Team and Legal Counsel of Hypertech Wire and Cable Incorporated, who were present during the operation.

A thorough investigation revealed that these counterfeit products bore the Philippine Standard (PS) Mark without a valid PS License number. This is a clear violation of Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 02, Series of 2007, on the PS Certification Mark Scheme and Articles 50 and 51 of Republic Act (RA) No. 7394, also known as  the Consumer Act of the Philippines, which prohibits deceptive acts or practices by a seller or supplier in relation to consumer transactions.

In addition to the non-compliant wires and cables, the DTI’s Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) discovered 252 units of uncertified Edison screw lamp holders worth PHP 9,828, and nine units of uncertified PVC insulated flexible cords worth PHP 10,500. These products also violated the same DAO for lacking the PS Mark or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) Sticker, and other relevant information such as the manufacturer’s name and address, country of origin, and date of manufacture.

Due to the identified violations, the shop was immediately issued a Notice of Violation, directing it to provide an explanation to the DTI within 48 hours, failing which a formal charge will be filed.

“This decisive inter-agency operation sends a clear warning to those who would endanger consumers and undermine fair competition: We are vigilant. We are relentless,” declared DTI Secretary Fred Pascual.

“Through close collaboration with our government partners, we will extend our enforcement reach into every corner of the market to eradicate the sale of uncertified and counterfeit products,” he added.

Meanwhile, DTI Fair Trade Group (FTG) Supervising Head Assistant Secretary Agaton Teodoro Uvero urged the public to remain vigilant and scrutinize the safety and quality of electrical and electronic products, mechanical or building and construction materials, and chemical and other consumer products.

“We implore the public to check and demand proof of quality and safety: verify the presence of PS and ICC Marks, especially on products under mandatory certification. This empowers consumers to exercise their right to safety,” he stated.

The joint operation was initiated following a search warrant issued by the CIDG against the shop owner for selling deceptive and counterfeit items, a violation of RA No. 8293, also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.

The DTI urges consumers to report retailers, distributors, and manufacturers selling uncertified items through the DTI Consumer Care Hotline at DTI (1-384) or via email at consumercare@dti.gov.ph. ♦