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Pursuant to law, business enterprises offering services to the public shall apply for accreditation prior to operation to ensure compliance with the prescribed requirements. Through accreditation, the business enterprises are deemed reliable and competent to engage in their trade.

The following business establishments enterprises require accreditation from the DTI prior to operation:

  • Service and Repair Enterprises (SREs)
  • Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs)
  • Sea Freight Forwarders (SFFs)
  • Truck Rebuilding Centers (TRCs)

Service and Repair Enterprises (SREs)

Under Presidential Decree No. 1572 as amended by Article 128 of the Republic Act (RA) 7394, otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines, no person shall operate a repair and service firm or act as technical personnel therein without first being accredited by the DTI.

The accreditation of repair and service enterprises and their technical personnel aims to protect the interest of the consumers availing their services. The accreditation, likewise, ensures that the enterprises have the necessary tools, equipment, and facilities, and its technical personnel have the required expertise to provide the services.

The DTI-FTEB accredits business enterprises in the National Capital Region (NCR), engaged directly or indirectly, in the repair, service or maintenance of motor vehicles; heavy equipment and engines and engineering works; electronics, electrical, air-conditioning and refrigeration; office machine and data processing equipment; medical and dental equipment and other consumer mechanical and industrial equipment, appliances or devices.



Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original notarized completely filled out application form, signed by the authorized signatory;
  2. Original Undertaking/Warranty, minimum warranty of 90 days;
  3. Copy of Valid Business Name Certificate of Registration for Single Proprietorship; SEC Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership and Articles of Incorporation/Partnership for Corporation/Partnership; CDA certificate of registration and Articles of Cooperation
  4. Copy of Latest Accreditation Certificate;
  5. Original Copy of Organizational Chart;
  6. Original List of Employees/Mechanics/Technicians and Position (attach Personal Data Sheet of technicians);
  7. Copy of Valid and relevant TESDA Certificate (National Certificate or Certificate of Competency for Technical Employees);
  8. Original Certified List of Trainings Attended by the Employees/Technicians for the past two (2) years (for Ref and Aircon, including auto aircon);
  9. Original List of Shop Tools and Equipment;
  10. Original Shop Floor Plan/Layout/Size/No. of Stalls/Working Bays;
  11. Original Photos of the Shop/Office – showing front (with signages) and interior including the facilities and/or equipment;
  12. Originally issued Certification (in lieu of items 5, 10 or 11) that there are no changes on the said items for renewals, provided that said requirements have been previously submitted
    1. Copy of Insurance Policy covering the customers’ properties entrusted for repair or service against theft, pilferage, fire, flood and loss. Insurance coverage must be for one year and its expiry date must be on or after December 31st 20__ and Official Receipt (proof of payment of insurance premiums).
    2. Original Affidavit stating that all services and repairs are done in the clients’ premises (for applicants that conduct all services and repairs in their client’s premises, in lieu of insurance policy).

Additional requirements for those applying for more than One Star:

  1. Copy of the latest audited financial statements stamped “Received” by BIR;
  2. Copy of valid dealership agreement (five-star only Motor Vehicle, Ref and Aircon, Office Machine/Data Processing Equipment);
  3. Copy of Valid Contract of Service, (if any);
  4. Original copy of Performance Bond policy and official receipt with minimum coverage of P50,000, in favor of the DTI valid until or after Dec. 31, 20__ (for 3 to 5 STAR, New or Renewal).


Where and how to apply for accreditation?2022-07-20T07:05:49+08:00
  • Applications of SREs located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) through the IREGIS:
  • Applications of SREs located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

Who should apply for accreditation?2022-05-30T13:39:26+08:00


How long is the validity of a certificate of accreditation?2022-05-30T13:39:25+08:00
  • The accreditation certificate issued to new applicants shall be valid until December 31 of the current year except for certificates issued on the last quarter where the validity period is from date of issuance until December 31 of the following year. 
  • The accreditation certificate issued to renewal applicants shall be valid from date of issuance until December 31 of the current year.
What are the fees and charges to be paid in applying for accreditation?2022-05-30T13:39:23+08:00

A. Filing/Accreditation Fees:

Classification Filling Fee Accreditation Fee Late Renewal Surcharge*
One Star 50.00 350.00 87.50
Two Stars 50.00 400.00 100.00
Three Stars 50.00 425.00 106.25
Four Stars 50.00 450.00 112.50
Five Stars 50.00 500.00 125.00
Medical/Dental 50.00 350.00 87.50

*Surcharge of 25% of the annual fee

B. Other Fees:

Certification/Certificate replacement 50.00
Document Stamp Tax 30.00

Laws and Statutes

Presidential Decree No. 1572 (1978)2022-09-01T11:03:42+08:00

Law on Accreditation

Click To View

Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs)

Under DTI-DOTC Joint Administrative Order No. 01 Series of 2001 and Department Administrative Order No. 03 Series of 2002 implementing R.A. No. 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, PETCs are required to secure a Certificate of Accreditation from the DTI and an Authorization from the Department of Transportation (DOTr) prior to operating an emission testing center.

The accreditation of PETCs is in consonance with the policy of the State under the Philippine Clean Air Act to protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.



Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original and duly notarized application form signed by the authorized signatory;
  2. Certified true copy of any of the following:
    1. Valid DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration for sole proprietorship;
    2. SEC Certificate of Registration and Articles of incorporation/Partnership, for corporation/partnership;
    3. Cooperative Development Authority Certificate of Registration and Articles of Cooperation, for cooperatives
  3. Copy of Valid Business Permit with Official Receipt (OR) issued by the local government unit (LGU) where the PETC is located. The nature of business indicated should be emission testing.
  4. Copy of BIR Registration Certificate and TIN.
  5. Copy of SSS Membership Certificate
  6. Copy of Audited Financial Statement for the last two (2) years stamped, “Received” the BIR or audited pre-operating Balance Sheet for newly established company; showing that the applicant shall be in such financial condition as to reasonably expect it to operate for at least one (1) year;
  7. Original Location Map of the center showing proximity to the nearest LTO District Office, and layout of the center including dimensions.
  8. Original Organizational Chart showing (a) its personnel and their functions and (b) the relationship between the center and other operations of the firm, if applicable
    1. Original List of personnel indicating their positions and their job descriptions/responsibilities including:
      1. Original Bio-data (in prescribed form);
      2. Copy of Valid TESDA Certificate of Competency as Motor Vehicle Emission Control Technician (MVECT) or Automotive Servicing NC IV; and
      3. Original Authorization from PETC for its specific personnel to perform particular sampling, tests, issue a test report, give opinion and interpretations and to operate the emission testing equipment.
    2. Original List of all test equipment with their corresponding brand, model, and serial number including the following:
      1. Certificate of conformance issued by the DENR for each equipment;
      2. Valid calibration certificate including manuals of the test procedures; and
      3. Reference materials for the calibration and tests and softwares, if available.
    3. Original Complaints Handling Procedure and copy of complaint form.
    4. Copy of PETC Operations Manual or equivalent documents pertaining to PETC operations.
    5. Original Housekeeping Policy (to be presented and validated during assessment).
    6. Original Proof of Bond in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00) in favor of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) valid for three (3) years, with OR to be submitted before the release of the Certificate of Accreditation.
    7. Original Oath of undertaking (notarized) containing the PETC’s commitment to comply with the provisions of the latest version of PNS ISO/IEC 17025 to be submitted before the release of Certificate of Accreditation.

For Renewal

  1. Items #1-3, 6-10 except 10.c above.
  2. Photocopy of latest DTI certificate of accreditation and DOTr Authorization (both for Center and MVECT).
  3. Photocopy of Certificate of Compliance with the latest version of PNS ISO/IEC 17025.
  4. Original Proof of Bond valid for three (3) years with OR in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00) in favor of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to be submitted before the release of the Certificate of Accreditation.


What are the fees and charges to be paid in applying for accreditation?2022-05-19T04:23:41+08:00

Processing and other fees are based on the amount of assets of PETCs classified as Small(less than P15 million), Medium(P15 million – 100 million) or large (more than P100 million)

Small Medium Large
Application fee* (payable upon filing of application) 300.00 300.00 300.00
Assessment fee* (payable within 15 day after the assessment) 8,000.00 16,000.00 24,000.00
Reassessment fee (applicable only in cases of verification ***) 4,000.00 8,000.00 12,000.00
Accreditation certification fee 3,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00
Annual accreditation fee 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00
Other fees: Certified true copy of certification / other certifications 500.00 / 100.00 500.00 / 100.00 500.00 / 100.00


Where to apply for accreditation?2022-07-20T07:04:47+08:00
  • Applications of PETCs located in Metro Manila shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) 
  • Applications of PETCs located outside Metro Manila shall be filed with the DTI Provincial or Regional Offices in the province/region where the shop is located. 

Please check the DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG) Directory through this link

How to apply for accreditation?2022-05-30T13:44:14+08:00

Submit scanned copy of the requirements via email to  FTEB processes applications via email.  

How long is the validity of a certificate of accreditation2022-05-30T13:44:35+08:00

Accreditation certificate is valid for a period of three (3) years.

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 20022022-09-01T11:02:24+08:00

Rules and Regulations concerning the issuance of DTI Accreditation of Motor Vehicle Private Emission Testing Centers

Click To View

Republic Act No. 8749 (1999)2022-09-03T08:43:58+08:00

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

Click To View

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

DTI-DOTC Joint Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 20012022-09-01T10:54:35+08:00

Guidelines for Accreditation and Authorization of Motor Vehicle Emission Testing Centers

Click To View

Sea Freight Forwarders (SFFs)

Under Philippine Shippers’ Bureau Administrative Order No. 06 Series of 2005 implementing Executive Order No. 514 Series of 1996, firms engaged in freight forwarding shall apply for accreditation with the DTI prior to operation.

The accreditation of SFFs aims to upgrade the quality of services, capabilities, resources and expertise of the covered firms, and curtail acts and practices inimical to the fast growth of the freight forwarding industry and prejudicial to the interests of Philippine shippers.

SFFs are categorized into three (3): non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCC), international freight forwarders (IFF), and domestic freight forwarders (DFF).

In the Philippines, some SFFs are well known partners of foreign shipment consolidators, who receive the balik-bayan boxes from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) abroad and deliver them to the destined families of the OFWs back home.



Checklist of Requirements

  1. Original Application Form signed by the authorized signatory;
  2. Copy of SEC Registration Certificate with Articles of Incorporation/ Partnership; Category/ies to be applied should be included in the Primary Purpose and the paid-up capital should be equal or more than the capital requirement (Corporation/Partnership); DTI Business Name Registration Certificate (Single Proprietorship);
  3. Copy of Latest Audited Financial Statement (for newly organized companies, audited pre-operating balance sheet);
  4. Copy of Latest Income Tax Return for two (2) preceding years (Single Proprietorship);
  5. Originally issued Bank Certificate reflecting at least the minimum amount of capital requirement and Proof of Tangible Assets and Undertaking; the fair market value of tangible assets must be equal or more than the amount of capital requirement (Single Proprietorship);
  6. Copy of Valid Mayor’s Permit (with copy of Official Receipt); BIR Registration Certificate; and SSS Certificate of Membership;
  7. Original Board Resolution, Partnership Resolution or Authorization from Proprietor (as applicable) authorizing the company to apply for accreditation and identifying the key officers authorized to sign documents relative to DTI-FTEB accreditation, follow-up, and receive the accreditation certificate;
  8. Original List of Corporate Officers/Partners & Key Operating Officers with corresponding Biodata and passport size picture. At least 1 key officer must have at least three (3) years experience in shipping, forwarding, &/or related activities and must submit certification or proof of employment from previous employers.
  9. Original List of International &/or Domestic Principals/Agents with their respective Company Profile, and a copy of existing contract &/or agency agreement;
  10. For NVOCC, original blank specimen of own House/Forwarders Bill of Lading with company signing “as Carrier”, and Principal/Agent’s House/Forwarders Bill of Lading;
  11. Copy of Proof of cargo insurance coverage, insurance policy with copy of official receipt as proof of payment of insurance premium. It should meet the insurance coverage requirement;
  12. Original Inventory of Office Equipment/Facilities;
  13. Original Location Map of Office;
  14. Original Visitorial/Inspection Authority;
  15. Original Freight Tariff and transshipment fees (NVOCC); Domestic rates (DFF);
  16. Original Duly prescribed itemized service charges.


What are the categories of SFF accreditation?2022-05-30T13:50:28+08:00
  • Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) – an entity, without owning or operating a vessel, providing a point to point service which may include several modes of transport and/or undertakes groupage of Less Container Load (LCL) shipments and issuing a corresponding transport document.
  • International Freight Forwarder – a local entity that acts as a cargo intermediary and facilitates transport of goods on behalf of its client without assuming the role of a carrier. It can also perform other forwarding services, such as booking cargo space, negotiating freight rates, preparing documents, advancing freight payments, providing packing/crating, trucking and warehousing, engaging as an agent/representative of a foreign NVOCC/cargo consolidator named in a Master Bill of Lading as consignee of a consolidated shipment, and other related undertakings.
  • Domestic Freight Forwarder – an entity that facilitates and provides the transport of cargo and distribution of goods within the Philippines on behalf of its client.
Where to apply for accreditation?2022-07-01T10:51:24+08:00

Applications of SFFs shall be filed with the Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) through the IREGIS:

What are the fees and charges to be paid in applying for accreditation?2022-05-30T13:51:44+08:00

Filing & Processing Fee

Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) International Freight Forwarder (IFF) Domestic Freight Forwarder (DFF)
Main Office 5,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00
Branch Office 1,250.00 1,000.00 750.00
Additional Category Fee (for each category) 1,500

Surcharge for Late Filing of Renewal Application (Main & Branch Office)

Filing date NVOCC/IFF/DFF
Main Office Branch Office
If filed from 1-15 days after the expiry date: 2,000.00 500.00
If filed from 16-30 days after the expiry date: 4,000.00 1,000.00
If filed from 31-45 days after the expiry date: 8,000.00 2,000.00
If filed from 46 days after the expiry date and onwards: 12,000.00 3,000.00

Other Fees

For the issuance of a substitute certified copy of a lost or destroyed Certificate of Accreditation 200.00
For the issuance of a Certification that a certain firm has or has no pending case 200.00
For the issuance of any other Certification 200.00
Document Stamp Tax 30.00
How to pay the filing and accreditation fee?2022-05-30T13:52:34+08:00

Payments are made via available payment media in the DTI Pay connected to the IREGIS portal.

How long is the validity of a certificate of accreditation?2022-05-30T13:52:51+08:00

Accreditation of SFF is valid for a period of two (2) years

Laws and Statutes

Executive Order No. 514, Series of 19962022-09-01T11:03:05+08:00

Further Amending Executive Order No. 495, Series of 1991, as amended by, By Providing for the Regularization of the Philippine Shippers’ Council

Click To View

Implementing Rules and Regulations/Guidelines

Philippine Shippers’ Bureau Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 20052022-09-01T10:55:43+08:00

Revised Rules on Freight Forwarding

Click To View

Truck Rebuilding Center

Pursuant to Department Administrative Order 08, Series of 2003, otherwise known as Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Centers, all establishments, which conduct or provide rebuilding services for trucks falling under any of the following categories: M3, N1, N2 or N3 of PNS:1891:2000, must be accredited first by the DTI before they can legally engage in the business of truck rebuilding.

The DTI-Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau issues a certificate of accreditation to qualified truck rebuilding centers, or any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or cooperative, engaged in the rebuilding of trucks, in the National Capital Region (NCR).

Truck Rebuilding Centers located outside of Metro Manila may apply for a certificate of accreditation to the respective DTI Regional/Provincial Offices via their contact numbers and/or email address listed below:

Directory of Key Officials

Application Form

Accreditation-Application-Form Truck Rebuilding Centers NCR2022-08-19T02:33:46+08:00

Accredited Truck Rebuilding Centers in NCR

Checklist of Requirements

  1. Duly accomplished application form, under oath
  2. Certified copy of the following:
    1. For sole proprietorships – Certificate of Business Name Registration
    2. For corporation/partnership – Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Certificate of Registration Articles of Incorporation/partnership and Board Resolution under oath specifying the name of its authorized representative
    3. For Cooperative – Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Certificate of Registration, Articles of Cooperation and Board Resolution under oath specifying the name of its authorized representative
  3. Location Map of the center
  4. Layout of the center including dimensions (minimum work area- 1,000 square meters)
  5. Chart of Organizational Structure showing the relationship between the center and other operations of the applicant, when applicable
  6. Chart of the Organizational Structure of the center showing its personnel and other respective function
  7. List of personnel in the operation of the center including their job descriptions, qualification and responsibilities
  8. Certificate of competency on rebuilding of road vehicles issued by TESDA or other DTI accredited institutions providing the same and other relevant training skills
  9. List of equipment, including reference materials required for truck rebuilding
  10. Manual on personnel, equipment and procedure for truck rebuilding
  11. Certified copy of the insurance policy and other official receipt showing payment of the premium. Insurance coverage shall be not be less than One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) and shall cover the following risks:
    • Theft
    • Pilferage
    • Fire
    • Flood, and;
    • Loss to cover the motor vehicles stored in the premises of the center for purpose of truck rebuilding
  12. Other document that may be needed from time to time
    • Surety Bond
    • Sample of Certificate of Warranty


How to apply for a Certificate of Accreditation of Truck Rebuilding Center?2022-09-01T11:12:08+08:00

For Truck Rebuilding Centers located in Metro Manila, you may file your application for accreditation via email at or Send the requirements (listed below) and the evaluator will communicate to you via email.

For Truck Rebuilding Centers located outside of Metro Manila, you may coordinate with the respective DTI Regional/Provincial Offices via their contact numbers and/or email address listed in the DTI directory Click To View

How long is the validity of a Certificate of Accreditation of Truck Rebuilding Center?2022-04-10T23:25:53+08:00

The validity period of a Certificate of Accreditation is three (3) years.

Do we need to apply for Accreditation even if we will not import the parts & components of used trucks and buses which we will use for rebuilding?2022-04-10T23:26:28+08:00

As per DTI Department Administrative Order (DAO) 08, Series of 2003, all establishments, which conduct or provide rebuilding services for trucks falling under any of the following categories: M3, N1, N2 or N3 of PNS:1891:2000, must be accredited first by the DTI before they can legally engage in the business of truck rebuilding.

How much is the fee for the application of Accreditation of Truck Rebuilding Center?2022-04-10T23:28:08+08:00
Truck Rebuilding Application Php 300.00 plus Php 30.00 documentary stamp  
Truck Rebuilding Accreditation Php 30,000.00 plus Php 30.00 documentary stamp
Total Fee   Php 30,360.00 
Where are we going to pay the fee for Accreditation of Truck Rebuilding Center?2022-04-10T23:28:49+08:00

The application fee and the accreditation fee (if the application is  approved) are payable at the DTI Head Office Cashier.

Laws and Statutes

Department Administrative Order No. 08, Series of 20032022-09-01T11:04:07+08:00

Guidelines for the Mandatory Accreditation of Rebuilding Centers

Click To View

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